Hajrija Mujovic

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The subject of this paper is to make closer clarification of the role and the specificities of services in transporting medicine by caring of vulnerable populations, or individuals who are in an emergency condition or critical situations. The field of medical transport presents a few legal questions and challenges. The aim is to research the rate of legal regulation and whether the legal and other regulation should be revised for reasons of achieving better health care of endangered. Issues of performing different types of transport of patients are observed in cases where the transport emergency and when it is not an emergency but is done on the orders of a doctor, be it on intrahospital moving the patient, moving within health facilities, or at home treatment. Each hospital should have a formalized plan for intra- and interhospital transport that addresses: a) pretransport coordination and communication; b) transport personnel; c) transport equipment; d) monitoring during transport; and e) documentation. The transport plan should be developed by a multidisciplinary team and should be evaluated and refined regularly using a standard quality improvement process. Each transport of critically ill patients carries inherent risks. So equally important is a commitment to providing high-quality, compassionate clinical care in a team-based environment with excellent documentation and communication. The results of the legal analysis and the illustrated example from the foreign jurisprudence are that when it comes to transport some of the patients' rights can be suspended under the condition of keeping a medical record properly. The urgency of transport is the reverse of the merits of enjoyment of the corresponding rights. The conclusion is that the regulations Serbia in the field of healthcare under-cover transportation problems of patients. Some amendments to the regulations and draft decisions regarding the current work of emergency services are of more recent date and insufficiently implemented. There is no doubt that groups or individuals in transport deserve a better quality of transport services, as well as the effective protection of the complaints against the department. Developed countries, experiencing and legislation in this regard can be a good model for the Law of Serbia. This is very important because today some aspects of transport, the case of the so-called. air ambulances in the health care, have given international situation.


population, patients, emergencies, crisis situations, transportation.

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