Бориша Лечић

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Faced with the escalation of large- scale religious terrorism, connected with and instrumentalised by the separatist forces in the North Caucasus, the Russian Federation has since the beginning of the 1990s been conducting numerous activities aimed at raising the efficiency of the fight against this political phenomenon. The efforts of the Russian state are primarily aimed at the adoption of pertinent legislation and at enhancing specialized services responsible for combating terrorism.

This paper discusses the impact of the phenomenon of terrorism on some organizational and functional solutions in the part of the intelligence and security system of the Russian Federation directly responsible for combating terrorism. In addition, it analyses continuing amendments to legal regulations of anti-terrorist legislation in terms of organization, competencies and powers of the entities of national security of the Russian Federation - the police, army, intelligence and security agencies - engaged in combating this global phenomenon.


terrorism, legislative activity, intelligence and security services.

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Print ISSN: 0353-7919
Online ISSN: 1820-7804