Srboljub Djordjevic, Dragana Stanojevic, Lucija Djordjevic

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The paper analyzes opinions and attitudes of teachers and professional associates towards inclusive education and towards students with special needs in the Republic of. Serbia and Norway, and they are compared with each other. The research was conducted in fifteen regular elementary schools located on the territory of the Republic of Serbia on a sample of 220 teachers and 22 professional associates, as well as with 10 teachers and 6 professional associates from two primary schools in Oslo, Norway. The research used descriptive, analytical and comparative methods, and survey as the research technique. Based on the obtained research results, it is concluded that there is a generally positive attitude of teachers and professional associates in the Republic of Serbia towards inclusive education of children with special needs. Such results provide a guarantee for further perspective and implementation of inclusive education in the Republic of. Serbia. The conducted research did not show statistically significant differences in the attitudes of male and female respondents regarding the inclusive education of children with special needs. However, the attitudes of teachers and professional associates in the Republic of Serbia towards the inclusive education of children with special needs differ statistically and teachers generally have more positive attitude towards all categories of students. The obtained results also make it imperative to conclude that there is still the need to work on improving attitudes towards students with special needs in order to create certain support for further implementation of inclusive education.


inclusive education, teacher, supporting staff, students with special needs.

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