Željko Jović

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The subject matter of this paper is taking a comprehensive overview of the Brussels negotiations by means of content analysis of the documents undersigned in Brussels in the framework of talks held between Belgrade and Prishtina, with special attention given to the energy aspects of the negotiations, in contests of energy security of the Republic of Serbia.The first part of the paper defines the essence of energy security as well as the concept of energy security of the Republic of Serbia. The second part looks into the process of technical and political negotiations itself, taking stock of the entire course of negotiations undertaken in Brussels, while also focusing on individual areas covered by the Dialogue. The third part of the paper examines the energy aspect of the negotiations, starting from the Brussels Agreement (The First Agreement on Principals Governing the Normalization of relations) and through to the rest of the documents on which Belgrade and Prishtina have agreed. The closing considerations take stock of the overall significance of the "energy" links between Central Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija, the importance of the negotiations, the effects of the undersigned documents, not only in terms of energy security, but also from the point of view of the economic, political and overall security of the Republic Serbia.


Brussels negotiations, Brussels Agreement, energy, energy security, Kosovo and Metohija, the Republic of Serbia.

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Print ISSN: 0353-7919
Online ISSN: 1820-7804