Marija Radosavljevic, Mihajlo Ranisavljević

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The basis of researching quality of services in tourism is identifying the combination of elements of services which can provide competitive advantage in the tourism market. Regardless of the quality of the resources they have and thanks to which they have certain comparative advantages, military-tourist institutions in the Republic of Serbia are not properly incorporated in the tourist offer of the country. The paper presents the analysis of the quality of service of military-tourist institutions in Serbia based on the combination of LODGSERV model and regression analysis. The choice of this model comes from the fact that it is the basis for evaluating the quality of services in tourism, and that the obtained information will be comparable and significant for making decisions on improving the quality of services of the observed institutions. The aim of the paper is to identify the elements of service that can significantly contribute to the improvement of the competitive position of military-tourist institutions, on the entire tourist stage, in order to develop them, as well as to develop the destinations on which they are located. The specificity of the combination of the LODGSERV model and the regression analysis has contributed to the separation of service elements that are critical to improving quality, but also to certain segments of these elements, in order for the introduced changes to give much more faster results. On the other side, by using cluster analysis, it is possible to identify the groups of service customers towards which the hotels should be oriented, or for which the hotels should especially adjust the offer. This tool combination can be a base for business decision-making.


military-tourist institutions, service quality, competitive advantage, LODGSERV model, regression analysis.

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