Slavica Manić

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Economics has been uttered, spoken and written about more than it is studied and/or understood. It impregnates our lives to such extent that the claim "now and then we're all economists” represents a meaningful, though not necessarily true statement (except, possibly, in a very narrow sense when it is grasped as a skill). However, economics, like any other science, would be superfluous "if the form and essence directly coincide." Although economists do not dispute the interweaving of science and skills, most of them will say that economics has established itself as a scientific discipline with particular field of research. Also, a number of economists will support transfer and exchange of ideas, concepts and methods among different research fields. Consequently, economists will in principle accept expansionism as a positive trend bringing to economics and other disciplines nothing but benefits. The aim of this paper is to indicate (through a review of relevant literature) economics’ attempt to realize its expansionist ambitions in order to establish itself as a universal science (general philosophy of the society) by misinterpreting or even abusing thе idea of multiple disciplinarity.


expansionism, economics imperialism, interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, multiple disciplinarity.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME1803979M


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