Nikola Vuksanović, Dragan Tešanović, Dunja Demirović, Bojana Kalenjuk

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Nowadays, urban centres are being faced with the problem of an increasing number of competitive destinations offering similar tourist experience. Accordingly, this paper aims to determine the extent to which consumption of local food, local beverage and experience of food culture contributes to the explanation of assessment of destination in urban centres. The paper is based on empirical research carried out amongst 804 foreign tourists who visited city centres of Belgrade and Novi Sad (Serbia) in 2017.The obtained results were examined via hierarchical regressive analysis. The findings demonstrate that the consumption of local food, local beverage and the experience of food culture in each of these assumptions represent a significant contribution. Analysis of the findings revealed that the development of tourism product has multiple contributions in a tourist destination and possibilities for the development of local economy. It is concluded in the paper that local food, local beverage, and food culture are important elements of the tourism product.


local food and beverage consumption, food culture, destination, urban centres, Belgrade and Novi Sad (Serbia).

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME171219027V


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