Marija Lakićević, Marija Kostić, Snežana Milićević

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The focus of the research presented in the paper is the method for evaluating and assessing tourism events and its applicability which is illustrated with the visitors’ assessment of the Festival of pop music in Vrnjačka Banja (the Festival). The primary data collected for the purpose of the Festival evaluation were gathered by survey method on a sample of 200 respondents, who were classified into two groups, locals and other visitors, and asked to assess the given criteria. The paper aims at using evaluation for improving the Festival development with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of the very event, which would influence an increase in the number of visitors to the Festival, i.e. tourist destination. The research results confirm the employed method to be useful for the evaluation of tourism events.


Vrnjačka Banja, tourism event, festival, tourist destination, evaluation.

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