Нина Павловић

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Ronald Inglhart's modernization theory provides a model of global value change, with affirmation of specific national paths of change. The paper considered the importance of the index of postmaterialism as a key element of the self-expression dimension. The distribution of (post)materialistic values in Serbia is presented based on data from the European Values Study and World Values Study from 2001, 2005 and 2008. The data indicate the presence of a stable structure in which the mixed and materialistic type predominates.The influence of sociodemographic factors on postmaterialism was examined by applying the regression analysis to the data from 2008. The results indicate a significant influence of the age, level of education and size of the city, while the impact of the amount of income is not statistically significant. The obtained results support Inglhart's theory of values, but do not exclude the effect of the life cycle.


postmaterialism index, modernization theory, sociodemographic model, European value study, Serbia.

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