Slađana Zuković, Kristina Krstić

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Starting elementary school is an important step on the education ladder of every child, and the result of adequate school readiness is reflected in the child's feeling of belonging to the school community and the motivation for accomplishing school success. Bearing in mind, on the one hand, different individual characteristics of every child, and, on the other, new and different experiences when starting school, there is a tendency to re-examine the factors shaping (and influencing) the child's readiness for school. Starting from a brief retrospect of the approaches that review the phenomenon of school readiness, the essence of this paper consists of an interactive approach which, beside the importance of individual children's characteristics, also emphasizes the significance of conditions in the microsystem of the development environments in which the child spends their time, as well as their synergistic actions. In this manner, while following the contemporary construction of the term “school readiness,” the focus of this paper is set on the review of the hallmarks in family and institution (pre-school and school) context, as well as in the community context, and the possibility of a joint action of the development environments through examples of good practice in our educational context. Although each of these mentioned microsystem environments individually contributes to children's school readiness, it can be concluded that the best effects are accomplished through their interaction which leads to the continuity of influence and the maximum of reaching children's potentials in new education environment.


school readiness, child, family, institutions of organized education, community.

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