Zoran Kesić, Radomir Zekavica

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Тhe protection of human rights is one of primary goals of police work in democratic societies. However, no society is immune to the various forms of illegal police work. Some of them, like police torture, are the hardest forms of illegal police activity and the inhuman treatment of citizens as well. The paper focuses on the aspects that appear to be essential, so the paper considers the most important aspects of the phenomenon of "police torture" - the basic meanings, causes, ways and consequences of its manifestation. Our goal is to remove certain doubts in the interpretation of this phenomenon, but also to increase the interest in investigating the appearance of torture in the police. Such a scientific study has not been conducted so far, so there is a need for further comprehensive investigations of the "police torture" phenomenon.


police, torture, human rights, violence

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME180426022Z


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