TM G. XX Br. 1-2 Str. 135 - 143 Niš januar - jun 1997.
UDK 234.27:165.72
Prethodno saopštenje
Ljubinko Milosavljević
Filozofski fakultet, Niš
Ciljevi i smisao bogumilskog nihilizma
Bogumilska jeres nastala je u X stoleću u Bugarskoj i ubrzo se proširila najpre po Balkanskom poluostrvu (u Srbiji, Dalmaciji, Bosni) a potom, pod drugim imenima, zahvatiće severnu Italiju i južnu Francusku. Ovaj verski i socijalni pokret potresaće države i crkve sve negde do XV stoleća i imaće dalekosežne posledice po buduću etničku i religijsku mapu Balkana. Nastalo kao protest protiv vladajućih vrednosti u vizantijskoj civilizaciji, bogumilstvo je bilo osobeni vid njihovog dovođenja u pitanje, pokušaj temeljnog negiranja, poništavanja. Cilj ovog rada je da, po sažetom izlaganju istorijata bogumilskog pokreta i osnovnih stavova njegove doktrine, propita svrhu i smisao bogumilskog upornog nastojanja ništenja temeljih vrednosti vizantijskecivilizacije.
Ključne reči: Vizantija, Balkan, Bogumili, jeres, nihilizam

 The bogomilian heresy originated in the tenth century in Bulgaria and very soon it first spread all over the Balkan peninsula (in Serbia, Dalmatia, Bosnia) and later, under different names, it penetrate northern Italy and southern France. As a religious and social movement which had shaken states and churches until as late as the fifteenth century, it had farreaching consequences upon the future ethnic and religious map of the Balkans. It appeared as a protest against dominant values of the Byzantine civilization and thus it represented a specific form of their reconsideration, an attempt of their fundamental denial and annihilation. The aim of this paper is to give a short summary of the history of the bogomilian movement as well as of the basic veliefs of its doctrine and then to reconsider the purpose as well as the meaning of its firm attempt to annihilate the fundamental values of the Byzantine civilization.