TM G. XXIV Br. 3-4 Str. 269 - 280 Niš jul - decembar 2000.
UDK 316.3:2+322
Pregledni članak
Ljiljana Rajšić
Ekonomski fakultet, Niš
Fenomen stvaranja, širenja, održavanja i nestajanja mitova predmet je mnogih filozofskih i naučnih istraživanja. U savremenoj nauci i filozofiji mit predstavlja jedan od centralnih problema. Osvetljeni su novi slojevi i dimenzije čovekovog mitskog odnošenja prema stvarnosti. Mada u savremenoj nauci o mitu još uvek dominiraju radovi koji za svoj predmet imaju tradicionalne forme mita, sve je veće interesovanje za savremene mitove. Savremeno mitsko mišljenje nije isto što i prvobitno, izvorno mitsko mišljenje. Ono je, kako ističu istraživači mita, pseudomitsko mišljenje. Mitovi dvadesetog veka nisu "pravi" već "lažni" mitovi, jer objekt mitske vere nisu transcendentna, nepostojeća, idealna bića, već posebni aspekti društvene stvarnosti. Procesi mitizacije u našem veku prisutni su u svim oblastima društvenog ivota. Međutim, najveći značaj se pridaje mitovima koji nastaju i žive u političkoj sferi. U objašnjavanju stvaranja i održavanja političkih mitova, naučnici i filozofi polaze od toga da oni predstavljaju sadržaj društvene svesti, te da političko mitotvorstvo, kao oblik svetovne religioznosti, analogno klasičnoj religioznosti, jeste ideološki proces nepoznat onima koji vrše obogotvoravanje aspekata političke stvarnosti. Politički mitovi su kolektivne tvorevine, rezultat kolektivno-nesvesnog i predstavljaju spontani odgovor članova društvene grupe na društvenu situaciju. Ali, istraživači mita ističu, takođe, da je moderni politički mit kompleksan i paradoksalan socijalni fenomen. Politički mitovi su sloeni i u sebi protivrečni, jer dok, sa jedne strane, predstavljaju rezultat spontanog ideološkog procesa, sa druge strane, oni čine bitni sadržaj određenih političkih idoelogija. U tom smislu, oni se shvataju kao veštačka tvorevina pojedinaca ili malih društvenih (političkih) grupa, pri čemu se ističe njihova instrumentalna, manipulativna uloga. Politički mitovi su mitovi načinjeni po planu i služe namernom buđenju religijskih oseđanja ljudi prema odabranim aspektima iz političke sfere. Ovaj momenat se ponekad prenaglašava, dok se zanemaruje druga dimenzija političkog mitotvorstva – spontani karakter nastajanja političkih mitova.
Ključne reči:  mit, tradicionalni mit, politički mit, političko mitotvorstvo, ideologija, svetovna religioznost.

The phenomenon of creating, spreading, maintaining and disappearing of myths has been the subject of a great many philosophical and scientific researches. In modern science and philosophy, the myth is one of the central problems. New layers and dimensions of man’s mythical attitude towards reality have been clarified. Though modern science of myths has been dominated by the papers dealing with traditional forms of myths, there is a growing interest in contemporary myths. Contemporary mythical thought is not equivalent to the primeval, original mythical thought. It is, according to myth explorers, a pseudo-mythical thought. The myths of the 20th century are not “real” but “false” myths, since the object of the mythical faith is not transcending, non-existing, ideal beings, but specific aspects of social reality. Processes of myth-creation in our century are present in all areas of social life. However, the greatest importance is paid to myths created and living in the political sphere. To explain creating and maintaining political myths, scientists and philosophers start with the premise that they represent the content of the social awareness, and that political myth-creating as a form of secular religiousness, by analogy to classical religiousness, is an ideological process unknown to those imputing godly  attributes to different aspects of political reality. Political myths are collective creations, a consequence of the collective unconsciousness and represent a spontaneous answer to social conditions on the part of members of a community. However, myth explorers also emphasize that the modern political myth is a complex and paradoxical social phenomenon. Political myths are complex and contradictory within themselves for they represent a result of a spontaneous ideological process, on one side, and they make up the essential content of particular political ideologies, on the other. Therefore, they should be comprehended as an artificial creation of individuals or small social (political) groups, with an emphasize their instrumental and manipulative role. Political myths are the myths created according to a plan with an aim to deliberately arouse religious feelings towards the chosen aspects in the political sphere. This moment is sometimes overemphasized while neglecting the other dimension of political myth-creating – spontaneous character of creating political myths.
Key words: myth, traditional myth, political myth, political myth-creating, ideology, secular religiousness.