TM G.XXIII Br. 3-4 Str. 167 - 173 Niš jul - decembar 1999.
UDK 378.22:37.026(083.94)+371.13-057.164(083.94)
Prethodno saopštenje

Aleksandar Rančić
Univerzitet u Nišu
Na Univerzitetu u Nišu definisan je naučno-istraživački projekat pod nazivom Didaktičko usavršavanje univerzitetskih saradnika, koji je na konkursu Ministarstva za nauku i tehnologiju Republike Srbije uveden u program osnovnih istraživanja za period 1996-2000. godine (14T19/11). Osnovni je cilj ovog projekta, čije je ostvarivanje u završnoj fazi, da se iznađe odgovarajuća programska i organizaciona koncepcija za permanentno didaktičko i metodičko obrazovanje i usavršavanje saradnika univerziteta, pre ostalih asistenata pripravnika. Istraživanje je izvršeno metodologijom koja je uobičajena u društvenim naukama, delimice i u psihologiji, posebno u onima koje proučavaju nastavu, što je podrazumevalo raznovrsne metodološke postupke, metode, tehnike i instrumente Ovo je uvodni tekst u kome je u osnovnim crtama objašnjen projekat. Posle ovog teksta sledi šest radova u obliku prethodnih saopštenja, čiji su autori iz istraživačkog tima koji realizuje navedeni projekat. Radovi su obuhvatili samo empirijski deo istraživanja. Takođe, u nastavku, štampani su upitnik koji je primenjen u istraživanju i selektivna bibligrafija radova o univerzitetskoj nastavi. Očekivanja su da će sve zajedno izazvati pažnju univerzitetske javnosti, te da će uslediti korisne sugestije za izradu završnog izveštaja.
Ključne reči: demokratija, demokratska tranzicija, društvena modernizacija, Srbija.
The University of Niš defined a research project entitled Didactic Advanced Training of the University Junior Teaching Staff which was adopted on an open competition of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia and included into its program of basic research projects for the period 1996-2000 (14T19/11). The main objective of this project, which has entered the final phase of realization, is to develop - in terms of program and organization - a relevant concept for permanent education and advanced training of the university junior teaching staff, primarily of junior assistants in didactics and teaching methods. Based on the methodology commonly used in social sciences, partially in psychology, end especially in the branches of knowledge dealing with the teaching process, the research involved various methodological procedures, methods, techniques and instruments. This is an introductory text aimed to explain the project in broad outline. It is followed by six papers in the form of preliminary reports written by the members of the research team carrying out this project. The papers merely cover the empirical part of the research. Also, as appendices, follow a questionnaire applied in the research and a selective bibliography of papers dealing with university instruction. It is expected that all this shall call the attention of the academic public and give rise to useful suggestions for the final report.
Key words: instruction in higher education, junior assistants, didactic advanced training, research project, team of researchers.