Aleksandra Djuric-Zdravkovic, Mirjana Japundza-Milisavljevic, Biljana Milanovic-Dobrota

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According to the Self-Determination Theory, teachers who, through their behavior, provide support for the autonomy of a student are encouraging their better academic achievements. Within this theory, academic regulation is defined as the ability to regulate one's own behavior focused on learning at school. Intrinsic motivation has the greatest importance in schoolwork, and it represents one of the three qualitative types of academic regulation. The aim of the paper is to determine the quality of academic regulation in students who are being educated according to an adjusted program within inclusive schooling, as well as determining the correlation of intrinsic motivation with high support for student autonomy given by class teachers. Research was conducted on a sample of 123 students who attended classes with the adjusted program, age eight to ten and eleven months. Raven's progressive matrices confirm a lower level of intellectual functioning of students from the sample who attend classes according to the adjusted program. Sample was comprised of 48 class teachers. In gathering of the data, Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire and The Problems in Schools Questionnaire were used. The results of the research imply dominance of academically identified regulation. The correlation of intrinsic motivation and the high support of student autonomy is confirmed. The high support of autonomy by teachers explains 28.1% of the variance of student intrinsic motivation. The paper considers practical implications of the conducted research.


academic regulation/motivation, adjusted program/IEP1, support to autonomy, class teachers.

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