Igor Vukonjanski, Dragoljub Sekulović

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In the assessment of Serbia’s security within the Balkan geopolitical node, it is important to analyze the position of foreign political centers of power and their geopolitical partners in the region, as well as the relations with other geopolitical nodes (Caucasus, Middle East) or key zones (Bosphorus, Dardanelles, Suez). Usually, power centers such as the US, NATO, EU, Russia and others demonstrate their inclination to protect the interests of a particular ethnic group, religious inclination, or state. The relations between Eurasia (Russia) and Orthodox Serbia, as well as between Mitteleurope (Germany, Austria) and Catholic Croatia can serve as examples from history. From the specific European, Eurasian and global centers of geopolitical power, the Balkans are viewed in terms of a very specific geopolitical interest.

In such a sensitive environment, the Republic of Serbia seeks to find a balanced relationship both with the great powers and with the states and peoples in the immediate environment. Balancing military neutrality, threading the path to European integration, and turning to Russia and Eurasian allies, all raise a number of issues in the area of security and stable political positioning on the contemporary world stage.


Serbia, Balkans, Geopolitical Node, Security.

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