Ivana Isailović, Jelena Šakotić Kurbalija

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The problem of this study was to explore the relationship between Facebook-related behaviors and characteristics of romantic relationships. Based on the results of previous research, we assumed that there would be significant gender differences in the frequency and manner of using Facebook, that there would be a significant relationship between the attachment style and Facebook monitoring and Facebook-related conflicts, and that Facebook monitoring and Facebook-related conflicts would significantly predict relationship quality. The sample consisted of 201 respondents from Serbia, 42.5% of which were male. Using the Dyadic adjustment scale - DAS (Spanier, 1976, 1989), Interpersonal electronic surveillance - IES (Tokunaga, 2011; modification Tucker, 2014), The Facebook-related Conflict Scale (Clayton, Nagurney, & Smith, 2013) and Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory - ECR (Brennan, Clark, & Shaver, 1998; modification Kamenov & Jelic, 2003), results showed that women use Facebook and post the relationship status and pictures with a partner more often than men and that people with an insecure attachment style more often engage in Facebook monitoring. Also, results showed that Facebook-related conflicts are a significant predictor of relationship quality. The present study contributes to the understanding of romantic relationship dynamics in the age of social networking sites, by pointing to the relational factors that are potentially at risk because of Facebook use.


Social networking sites, Romantic relationships, Attachment, Conflicts, Electronic surveillance

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