Сандра Раденовић, Слађана Мијатовић

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The aim of this paper is the proposal considering the importance of school sport as a measure of prevention of violence among students in schools. In the introduction the authoresses discuss the basic definitions of violence, numerous forms of violence in sport, violence in schools, youth violence and juvenile delinquency as the forms of violence which are studied in sociology, psychology, pedagogy and other humanities. The authoresses present the results of the research of prevalence and forms of violence in schools in Serbia according to the report from 2011. Despite the implementation of certain strategic documents (Special Protocol for the Protection of Children and Students from Violence, Abuse and Neglect in Educational Institutions, 2007, Rule book on the Protocol for Treatment in the Institution in the Response to Violence, Abuse and Neglect, 2010) which specify measures for the prevention of violence in schools, the level of violence has remained unchanged compared to the previous researches. These strategic documents do not recognize the importance of the possibility of school sport as the measure of prevention of violence. The authoresses suggest the possibility of designing programmes within the system of school sport as the measure of prevention of violence in schools and the way of improving sport culture and physical culture in the broadest sense.


violence, violence in school, school sport, prevention of violence.

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