Marija Bratić, Jelena Petrović, Ninoslav Golubović, Željko Anđelković

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In the XXI century, one of the trends in tourism as a leading service sector is Internet usage. The aim of this paper is to examine whether the use of the Internet (by companies and individuals) has a different impact on domestic and inbound tourism demand in the European Union for the 2010-2019 period. The results of the research indicate that the Internet usage by companies has an important positive impact on the domestic and inbound tourism expenditure in developed and transition countries in European Union while the Internet usage by individuals has an important negative impact only on the domestic tourism expenditure in transition countries in European Union. At the same time, results show that Internet usage by companies has a higher impact on domestic tourism expenditure than on inbound tourism expenditure in developed and transition countries.


Internet; tourism expenditure; tourism demand; developed countries; transition countries

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