Živorad Vasić, Pero Petrović

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In specific business conditions and crisis situations, the commitment to service quality and employee performance, i.e. the interdependence of these components, is extremely important. The quality of a service largely depends on the efficiency and effectiveness of workers, and on their permanent learning and improvement, which raise the employees’ motivation to deliver a high-quality service. That is why efforts to promote the quality of services must be based on managing the behaviour and education of employees, which, from the aspect of synergy, leads to the so-called ‘learning organisation’. Therefore, the permanent learning organisation is a concept that is becoming an increasingly widespread philosophy in companies oriented towards proactive behaviour. In order to see to what extent this philosophy-orientation is present in hotels in Belgrade, we conducted primary research in the following hotels: Majestic, Zira, Heritage, Holiday INN, and the Crown Plaza of the IHG hotel chain.


human resources, performance, hotel industry, learning organisation, training course, practice.

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