This study aims to better understand the motives of young people in deciding to visit a certain destination. The young generation – between 18 and 26 years of age – were surveyed for the purposes of this study. The total sample consists of 870 respondents living in five cities of the Republic of Serbia. The obtained results indicate that psychological motives do not show importance among young people when they decide to travel to a tourist destination, while emotional sensual motives, development motives, gastronomy motives, and self-realisation motives have a significant and positive effect on visiting a destination. The study has several specific benefits in relation to discovering the youth’s main motives for visiting a destination, complementing the existing literature. The results also have a practical application in the management of the development of tourist destinations and their direction towards an accurately determined profile of tourists.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME230816053G
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