Slaviša Kovačević

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This paper problematizes the ‘end of politics’ thesis as reconstructed in the works of Daniel Bell and Francis Fukuyama. The author reaffirms the political theory of Hannah Arendt and elaborates on the empirical indicators of the technical state, challenges to sovereignty, militarism, and the narrowing of alternatives. The paper critically examines the ‘end of politics’ as the de-legitimisation of the content of a particular political model. The end of politics, history, or humanity is not possible in an absolute sense. Instead, we can speak of the end of certain models of politics, episodes in history, or phases in human development. The dynamics of society, change, and development are continuous processes. Every ‘end’ opens the door to new forms, ideas, and practices that shape the future. The theses about the ‘end’ should not serve as predictions, but rather as reflections on current crises and potential directions for development, aimed at avoiding stagnation and regression.


end of politics, technical state, challenges to sovereignty, manipulation, militarism, alternative.

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Print ISSN: 0353-7919
Online ISSN: 1820-7804