Milica Žarevac Bošković

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This paper aims to point to the possibility of increasing the productivity of companies without increasing their operating costs. Most of the identified incentive factors that affect productivity require a certain increase in costs for the company. However, concerning employee motivation, certain exemptions from the “rules” were found: productivity growth inevitably precedes the increase in costs. The complexity regarding the motivation of the workforce is explained by a simple fact: the motivation of the workforce is directly linked to a human - thus far the most complex being created, who creates, consumes, feels, yearns and suffers ... Only an (economic) organism composed of healthy, satiated cells (happy, motivated workers) can be healthy and productive, and, as such, sustainable over the long term period. Results of the research suggest that the company’s management, by introducing the “SM” model presented in this paper and by conducting a simple analysis of the employees’ satisfaction with the income level could determine, in accordance with their capabilities, the optimal way to increase the motivation of the employees without necessarily increasing the operating costs and, implicitly, increase productivity, which is the main contribution of this work, both from the scientific and practical point of view.


satisfaction, motivation, productivity, (non)economic status.

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