Небојша Раичевић

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Article 48 of the Treaty on the EU contains rules for revision of both parts of the Lisbon Treaty, as well as all the protocols and annexes to the Treaty. In addition to the procedure which was present (with slightdistinctions) in all earlier founding treaties, Article 48 of the Treaty on the EU sets out some new revision procedures. Paragraphs 2 to 5 of Article 48 of the TEU regulate the ordinary revision procedure, which emerges in two forms: a full and shortened ordinary procedure, whereas paragraphs 6 and 7 regulate two variants of the simplified revision procedures. In addition to these procedures, the Lisbon Treaty recognizes a number of other specific procedures for amending particular provisions of the founding treaties. Besides, the founding treaties can also be amended in the process of accession to the EU or withdrawal from the EU membership.


Lisbon Treaty, Article 48 of the Treaty on the EU, revision, ordinary procedure, simplified procedure.

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