Dušan Aleksić, Ivana Stamenković

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Intensive migrations during the last years of the 20th century and in the beginning of the 21st century are an important part of modern societies which are becoming multicultural. While information, ideas and people cross countries’ borders all the time, and term „nation“ is becoming outdated in new communication universe, the foundations of identity are becoming weak, unstable and subject to change. In crisis, media reporting about groups which are not culturally close to the native population significantly influences the public opinion creating, since direct contacts with such groups are limited and rare. Besides, the question arises to what extent such reporting is subject to the ethical codes.    In this paper, media reporting about recent European migrant and refugee crisis was analyzed. The paper is primarily focused on media representation of migrants and refugees which was analyzed through several aspects: frequency of texts about migrants and refugees, the analysis of genres, titles, visual presentation, respect of journalistic ethics as well as examination of rhetorical, stylistic and manipulative means that were used. All texts about migrant and refugee crisis published over a period of two weeks on three informative web-portals – „Blic“, „Kurir“ and „Politika“ were analyzed. The first analyzed week was from June 1st to September 7th, 2015, while the second week was from March 1st to March 7th, 2017. The goal of this comparative analysis of media texts was to determine possible differences in the way migrants and refugees are portrayed in media texts. The main goal was to determine diferences between three informative portals in terms of emphasis certain aspects of migrant and refugee crisis as well as in terms of emphasis certain characteristics of this social group.


migrations, migrants, refugees, media representation, media, ethics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME171213051A


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