Глигор Самарџић

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The paper presents data on the politics of romanization of the population in the south of the province of Dalmatia (east Herzegovina) using historical sources. After the Roman invasion of Illyria and the introduction of education to the province of Dalmatia at the beginning of the 1st century AD, the Romans built a system of fortresses on important strategic points, followed by road construction, settlement construction, populating the area with veterans and the Italic people, giving civil rights and establishing a tradition of worshipping Roman gods. This was the time of not just territorial, but ethnic and infrastructural changes as well. According to the epigraph statues, the territory of today’s east Herzegovina was inhabited by the locals, as well as Roman citizens (cives Romani) during this period in history. The influence of the Italic people was considerable because the introduction and importance of the Roman culture and civilization, as well as the Roman lifestyle, were helped mostly by the Italic people who inhabited urban areas. They brought with themselves every single achievement of the Roman civilization, which influenced the locals in various ways. Epigraph statues, various archeological records and oral sources shed light, to a certain degree, on the different influences on the territory of east Herzegovina. East Herzegovina covers the area spreading from the left banks of the Neretva River in the west to the right banks of the Trebišnjica River in the east.  


romanization, population, the Italic people, Illyria, east Herzegovina, the province of Dalmatia, epigraph statues

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME180307015S


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