TM G. XXVI Br. 1 Str. 143 - 167 Niš januar - mart 2002.
UDK 316.66-053.2(=914.99)
Originalni naučni rad
Divna Lakinska-Popovska
Institute for Social Work and Social Policy
 Skopje (Macedonia)

Ova je studija uglavnom usmerena na analizu ugroženosti romske dece u opštini Šuto Orizare (Skoplje), u kojoj živi 6.936 romske dece ili 49,64%  ukupne romske populacije. Najveći broj dece je školskog uzrasta, 54,42% (3.775), od čega su 37,95% (2.632) učenici osnovne škole.
Prema statističkim podacima u 1996. godini nezaposlen Romi koji traže posao učestvuju sa 4,7% u ukupnom broju registrovanih nezaposlenih u Republici Makedoniji. Najveći deo stanovništva u Šuto Orizaru živi od socijalne pomoći ili kontinuirane novčane pomoći od države, iako nisu angažovani u bilo kakve dobrovoljne radne aktivnosti kojima bi pridoneli poboljšanju životnih, ekoloških i komunalnih uslova u opštini.
U potrazi za finansijskim sredstvima neki roditelji angažuju svoju decu (2,44% ili 62 deteta) kroz različite forme nisko plaćenog posla (trgovina na "crno", radna zloupotreba). Imajući u vidu da su ovi podaci dobijeni od roditelja i da su anketari bili dobro upoznati sa stanjem na terenu, verujemo da je broj ove dece mnogo veći od prezentovanog. Oko 2,47% (77) dece je prinuđeno da prosi.
Broj zlostavljane i zanemarene dece upozorava da se od strane države ili nevladinih organizacija moraju uložiti napori za otvaranje dnevnih centara, kao i drugih formi usmerenih ka iskorenjivanju ove negativne tendencije. Istovremeno bi ovi centri mogli da ponude i deci zavisnoj od alkohola i droge ili delikventima koji žive na teritoriji opštine.
Oko 1,77% (123 deteta) podvrgnuta su nekoj formi dečije zaštite–starateljstva. Smatramo da je smeštanje u drugu porodicu najprikladnija forma zaštite dece bez roditelja i roditeljske brige i preporučujemo da se njenom budućem razvoju pruži posebna podrška. Za babe i dede koji se sami brinu o unucima treba da stoje na raspolaganju savetodavne usluge i pomoć. Ako se uzme u obzir da ima 86 dece sa zastojima u psihičkom razvoju u opštini i da samo 3% njih posećuje specijalne ustanove, jasno je da svi postojeći faktori treba da se angažuju na prevladavanje ovog problema. Od velike važnosti bilo bi i otvaranje multidimenzionalne institucije za romsku decu (npr. dnevni centri, savetodavne usluge, sportski klubovi i slično) u kojima bi se njihovo slobodno vreme dobro organizovalo, deci pomagalo u učenju i zadovoljavale druge potrebe ne samo dece, već i njihovih porodica.
Ključne reči: romska porodica, romska majka, romska deca, ugroženost

The study is mainly directed towards analysis of the vulnerability of Roma children in the municipality of Shuto Orizari (Skopje), where 6.936 Roma children live or 49,64% of the total Roma population. Majority of children is in school age 54,42% (3.775) of whom 37,95% (2.632) is primary school pupils.
According to the statistical information in 1996 Roma job seekers participated with 4,7% in the total number of job seekers in the Republic of Macedonia. The majority of the population in Shuto Orizari lives with the social benefits in cash or permanent financial assistance in cash granted by the state and they are not yet engaged in any voluntary working activities by which they could contribute to the betterment of the living or ecological and communal conditions in the municipality.
In the search for financial means some parents engage their children (2,44% or 62 children) in different forms of low paid jobs (trade on the black market, work abuse). Considering the fact that this data were obtained by the statements of the parents, and although the surveyors were all well familiarised with the situation in field, we still believe that the number of these children is much bigger than presented. About 2,47% (77) children are forced to beg.
The number of abused and neglected Roma children is a warning sign that efforts must be made by the state or non-governmental organisations for opening day-care centres as well as other forms directed towards stamping out of this negative tendency. The Centres could also offer its services to the drug or alcohol-addicted children or delinquents living on the territory of the municipality.
About 1,77% (123 children) are placed under some forms of child protection - guardianship. We find foster family care the most appropriate form for children without parents and parental care and therefore recommend that strong support should be given to its further development. For those grandparents who look after their grandchildren alone, organised advisory services and assistance should be at hand. Taking into account that there are 86 children with mental disabilities in the municipality and that only 3% of them attend special school, all existing factors should be engaged in overcoming this problem. It would be very important to organise multidimensional institutions for Roma children (such as Day Centres, Advisory Services, Sport Clubs and so on) where their free time will be organised, they will be assisted in learning and provided services in relation to the needs not only of the children but also of their families.
Key words: Romani family, Romani mother, Romani children, vulnerability