TM  G. XXII  Br. 1-2  Str. 67 - 84  Niš  januar - jun  1998.
UDK 1 PLOTIN+111.82
Originalni naučni rad

Gligorije Zaječaranović
Plotin je novoplatonovac iz škole u Aleksandriji. Njegova filozofija je sinteza Platonove i Aristotelove filozofije. Bio je pod uticajem novopitagorovstva, stoicizma i Filona iz Aleksandrije. U osnovu svog sistema filozofije postavio je "Jedno", koje je pozitivno odredio kao "Dobro", ali je inače smatrao da je neizrecivo, a ipak saznatljivo putem ekstaze i kroz svoje posledice. Iz "Jednoga" najpre emancijom nastaje "Um" (Logos) i celo područje ideja i oblika kao bića. Tvoračka moć "Jednoga" ispoljava se delotvornošću "Uma", iz čega nastaje "duša sveta", a iz nje svet kao celina i sve pojedinačne duše. Sva tela su sinteze oblika i amorfne materije. Sva živa bića su prožeta dušom. Iako je njegovo učenje blisko hrišćanstvu, Plotin je bio politeist i verovao je da su nebeska tela bogovi. Ali vrhovnim bogom smatrao je "Jedno", tvrdeći da ono ne poseduje mišljenje ni svest, niti ima potrebe za bilo čim, budući savršeno. Suštinu čoveka po Plotinu čini duša. Telo je za nju zatvor i okov, koji duša želi da napusti, radi sjedinjenja s bogom. Pod uticajem tela duša postaje grešna i za to ispašta, ali ne može propasti, jer je večna. Pojedinačne duše su "poslednji bogovi". Plotinov sistem sadrži: ontologiju, gnoseologiju, aksiologiju, etiku i estetiku, ali sve je to stopljeno u jednu celinu iz koje ih je teško izdvojiti. Autor izlaže u ovom članku osnovna učenja Plotina, uz kritiku i ocenu njihove vrednosti. Na kraju on pokazuje da je Plotin filozofiju shvatio kao teodiceju i sredstvo za spasenje duše, kao i da iz njegove dijalektike shvaćene kao sastavni deo filozofije kasnije nastaje tzv. "negativna teologija".
Ključne reči: novoplatonovac, Jedno, Dobro, politeist, teodiceja

Plotinus is a Neoplatonist of the Alexandrian school. His philosophy is a synthesis of the Plato's and Aristotle's philosophies. He was under the influence of neo-Pythagoreanism, Stoicism and Philo of Alexandria. His philosophical system is essentially based on "the One" which he positively established as "the Good", but considered to be ineffable, although cognizable through ecstasy and through its consequences. The first emanation of "the One" results in the creation of "the nous" (Logos) and the entire sphere of ideas and forms as beings. The creative powers of "the One" are articulated through the beneficial influence of "the nous" from which flows the "soul of the world", and from it, in turn, the world as a whole and all individual souls. All bodies are a synthesis of the form and the amorphous matter. All living creatures are imbued with the soul. Although his ideas were close to Christianity, Plotinus was a polytheist and believed that the celestial bodies were gods. But he considered "the One" to be the principal deity, asserting that it possessed neither the ability to think nor consciousness, and needed nothing, being perfect in itself. According to Plotinus, the soul is the essence of man. It feels the body as its prison and chains which it wants to leave in order to unite with the god. Under the influence of the body, the soul becomes sinful and, therefore, atones but, still, cannot perish because it is eternal. Individual souls are "the last gods". Plotinus's system comprises: ontology, gnoseology, axiology, ethics and esthetics, but all of them are merged into a whole from which they can hardly be separated. In this article the author sets forth the Plotinus's fundamental teachings, which he then criticizes and evaluates. In the end he gives evidence that Plotinus understood philosophy as theodicy and as a means of saving the soul; furthermore, he assumes that his dialectics, comprehended as an integral part of philosophy, was later on the ground from which the so-called "negative theology" arose.
Key words: neo-Platonist, the One, the Good, polytheist, theodicy