TM  G. XXII  Br. 1-2  Str. 129 -139  Niš  januar - jun  1998.
UDK 37:2
Originalan naučni rad

Stanoje Ivanović
Učiteljski fakultet, Jagodina
Savremeno obrazovanje, a posebno sistemi obrazovanja, u zemljama sa krupnim društveno-ekonomskim i političkim promenama, doživljava duboke transformacije. One imaju za cilj neposrednije uključivanje obrazovanja u razvojne tokove društva, ali i da afirmišu kulturne, nacionalne i druge vrednosti. S tim u vezi važan je odnos između obrazovanja i religije kao rasprostranjenog i uticajnog oblika društvene svesti. Brojni su obrazovni sistemi u kojima je religija ili veronauka sastavni deo nastave, kao i oni gde je obrazovanje svetovnog karaktera, van uticaja crkve. Međutim, u mnogim zemljama, naročito u zemljama u tranziciji, preispituje se odnos prema religiji i religijsko obrazovanje se sve više uvodi u obrazovni proces. To potvrđuju i obrazovni sistemi balkanskih zemalja koji aktuelizuju problematiku religijskog obrazovanja i daju određene odgovore na verske zahteve. U radu se izlažu osnovne relacije između obrazovanja i religije, sa težištem na prikazu aktuelnih karakteristika referentnih obrazovnih sistema u pogledu religijskog i religioznog obrazovanja.
Ključne reči: obrazovanje, religija, religijska nastava, veronauka.

Modern education, and particularly the educational systems of the countries burdened with major socio-economic and political changes, undergo deep transformations. Their goal is to attain a more direct incorporation of education into the developmental social trends, but also to affirm their cultural, national and other values. At this point the relationship between education and religion, as a wide spread and influential form of the social consciousness, becomes important. There are many educational systems in which religion or religious instruction constitute an integral part of the teaching process, as well as a number of systems in which education has secular character, i. e. is free from the influence of the church. However, in many countries, particularly in the countries undergoing transition, the relationship toward religion is currently reexamined and religious instruction is introduced into the educational process more increasingly. The educational systems of the Balkan countries which actualize the problem of religious education and respond to some religious demands prove the above assumption. The paper presents the fundamental relations between education and religion, focusing on the review of the topical characteristics of the referral educational systems in view of religious and religiose education.
Key words: education, religion, religious instruction