TM G. XXVI Br. 2 Str. 245 - 260 Niš april - jun 2002.
UDK 581.5:008+165.742
Originalni naučni rad
Vesna Miltojević
Fakultet zaštite na radu

Nagomilani problemi u sistemu "društvo-priroda", kao jedno od obeležja savremene civilizacije, zahtevaju drugačije poimanje mesta i uloge čoveka u svetu koji ga okružuje. Shodno tome neophodno je i novo promišljanje kulture. Za razliku od tradicionalnog shvatanja, kultura se u savremenom društvu ne posmatra kao antiteza naturi (prirodi), već kao mera i način realizacije i razvoja suštinskih moći čoveka čiji je cilj uravnoteženje odnosa u sistemu "društvo-priroda". Na taj način kultura nije sredstvo otuđenja od prirode, već spajanja sa njom, kojom čovek na adekvatan način ostvaruje svoju biosfernu funkciju.
Formiranju ekološke kulture doprinosi ekološki pogled na svet u čijoj se osnovi nalaze ekološka znanja oslobađena biološkog determinizma i obogaćena sadržajima o sveukupnosti odnosa čoveka prema prirodnim i socijalnim uslovima sredine življenja. Doprinoseći prevladavanju potrošačkog odnosa prema prirodnim resursima, ekološka kultura postaje sredstvo prevazilaženja ili ublažavanja ekološke krize.
Ključne reči:  ekologija, ekološka kultura, kultura, humanizam.

Accumulated problems in the "society-nature" system, as one of the characteristics of modern civilization, ask for different understanding of the place and role of a man in the world surrounding him. Accordingly, it is necessary to think of culture in a different way. Unlike traditional understanding, in the modern society, the culture is not viewed as an antithesis to nature, but as a measure and the way of fulfillment and development of essential abilities of a man, aiming at making the balance of nature - society relation. In that way, the culture is not the way of alienation from nature, but of uniting with it, by means of which a man adequately fulfills his function in the bio-sphere.
Ecological view of the world, the basis of which represents ecological knowledge, freed from biological determinism and enriched with the contents including full relation of a man towards natural and social conditions of living environment, contributes to forming of ecological culture. In contributing to surmounting consumer relation towards natural resources, ecological culture becomes the means of overcoming and alleviation of ecological crisis.
Key words:  ecology, ecological culture, culture, humanis.