TM G. XXVI Br. 2 Str. 267 - 287 Niš april - jun 2002.
UDK 504.75+504.03
Pregledni rad
Krstan Malešević
Ekonomski fakultet

Sve izraženije entropijske posledice napreka u doba kasne Moderne i rane Postmoderne ugrožavaju i sam smisao ove civilizacije. To se možda ponajviše ogleda u sve brojnijim, intenzivnijim i opasnijim rizicima u našem tehnološkom okruženju. Širenjem procesa globalizacije ubrzano se odvija i proces globalizacije eko-rizika. Savremeno društvo se, zato, sve više oblikuje kao riziko društvo, odnosno kao društvo rizika. Dovoljno je, s tim u vezi, podsetiti samo na (moguće) zastrašujuće posledice genetskog inženjeringa.
Budućnost je neizvesnija nego ikad ranije. Sadašnje generacije ostavljaju ogromnu hipoteku budućim generacijama. Tim pre, što je potpuna kontrola i upravljanje najvećim eko-rizicima gotovo nemoguća. Zato je nužna povećana odgovornost za budućnost, pa i odgovornost nauke. Mora se ubrzano nastaviti traganje za alternativnim strategijama razvoja i alternativnim tehnologijama. U tom kontekstu je nužna i izgradnja stalnog sistema globalne zaštite. To prosto postaje uslov opstanka budućih generacija.
Ključne reči:  eko-rizik, društvo rizika, prepoznavanje rizika, kontrola i upravljanje eko-rizicima, socijalna konstrukcija rizika.

The entropic consequences of the progress in the are of late modernity and early postmodernity are becoming a threat to the very existence and meaning of this civilisation. This is perhaps most visible in the numerous, more intnesive and more dangerous risks, among which especially those in our tech nological environment. The wider expansion of globalisation is paralleled with the globalisation of eco-risks. Conterporary society is increasingly becoming a risk society. This tendency is evident not least from the catastrophic consequences of genetic enigineering.
The future is more uncertain than ever before. Present day generations are leaving an enormous debt to future generations. This is especially the case when the issue of risk is in question since the full control and management of risks is almost impossible. That is why we need to increase responsibility for the future within the framework of new meta-ethics. It is crucial to continue and accllreate search for the alternative technologies and alternative models of development. It is also important to estabilish the permanent system of global protection. And finally, we need to increase responsibility of science for the more intensive protection of the living, and survival of the future generations.
Key words:  eco-risks, risk society, social construction of risk, control and management of risks.