TM G. XXVI Br. 3 Str. 407 - 422 Niš jul - septembar 2002.
UDK 572:316
Originalni naučni rad
Nikola Božilović
Filozofski fakultet

Autor postavlja nimalo lak zadatak da u radu definiše predmet socijalne antropologije, discipline koja stoji na granici između antropologije i sociologije. Za to je bilo neophodno okrenuti se njenim istorijskim korenima i razmotriti pravce koji, i pored zajedničkog im predmeta, najčešće stoje u međusobnom nesaglasju. Kao najširi, a ujedno centralni, problem navodi se i razmatra čovek i njegov svet kulture u njegovom socijalnom kontekstu, kao problem koji stoji u središtu pažnje svakog društvenog antropologa. Taj problem ovde se dovodi u vezu sa metodima putem kojih se prilazi njegovom razrešenju.
Na kraju autor daje osvrt na odnos socijalne antropologije i sociologije, čime ukazije na izuzetnu bliskost dveju nauka. On čak tvrdi da je osnovno teorijsko polazište ove antropološke discipline - sociološko. U jednom zdravom kritičkom odnosu, međutim, ne može se narušiti samobitnost ni jedne od ovih nauka. Naprotiv, njihova saradnja može doprinositi potpunijem osvetljavanju čoveka kao kulturnog bića u njegovom društvenom okruženju.
Ključne reči:  čovek, kultura, socijalna struktura, ljudska priroda, komparativni metod, kvalitativna analiza, društvene institucije, antropologija društva.

The author sets not at all easy task in this work to define the subject of social anthropology, a discipline that stands on the border between anthropology and sociology. For that it was necessary to turn to the historical roots of it, and discuss the directions which besides common subject stand usually in a mutual dissonance. As the broadest and at the same time central problem, there is human and his world of culture in his social context, as a problem that stands in the center of attention of every social anthropologist. That problem here is related to the methods used for ts solution.
At the end the author gives short view at the relationship of social anthropology and sociology, by which points to remarkable contiguity of the two sciences. He even claims that the basic theoretical root of this anthropological discipline is – sociological. In a healthy critical relationship, though, specificity of any of these sciences cannot be threatened. On the contrary, their cooperation can contribute to better enlightenment of a human as a cultural being in his social environment.
Key words:  human, culture, social structure, human nature, comparative method, qualitative analysis, social institutions, anthropology of a society.