TM G. XXVI Br. 3 Str. 423 - 444 Niš jul - septembar 2002.
UDK 37.034:37.013(497.11)"1900/1941"
Prethodno saopštenje
Jovica Ranđelović
Filozofski fakultet

Kraj dvadesetog veka i upravo sustigle društvene promene u prvim godinama novoga stoleća u Srbiji, već utiču na naučni zaokret i u pedagogici, kao i u drugim humanističkim naukama, podstiču stvaralačku naučnu inicijativu da se u vremenu koje je još uvek bremenito "sviknutim" socijalističkim pedagoškim promišljanjem, učini istraživački napor i analizira bar neki od aspekata razvoja pedagogike u Srbiji dosocijalističkog perioda. Dosadašnja istraživanja u pedagogici Srbije u periodu 1900-1941, i ako su se, kao ideja, začinjala nisu smatrana aktuelnim, korisnim, inspirativnim za pedagošku teoriju a ni za nastavnu praksu škole primerene drugoj polovini veka koji je upravo protekao.
U ovom rady čini se pokušaj naučne, sistematike pedagoških koncepcija u Srbiji, koje su preko srpskih pedagoga, školovanih na strani (pre svega u Nemačkoj), u građanskom periodu, prenošene u naš institucionalni vaspitni milje, i to samo sa aspekta moralnog vaspitanja. S razlogom su moral, moralnost i moralno vaspitanje u vremenu borbe za srpsku državotvornost i opstanak nacije, zavredeli da budu u srži naučnog interesa pedagoga, brojnih pedagoških provenijencija. Moralno vaspitanje i moralno uzdizanje u vreme carinskog rata, pada dinastije Obrenović, aneksione krize, balkanskih ratova, prvog svetskog rata, prožimali su čitavo stvaralaštvo u pedagogici toga vremena. Brojna pedagoška stremljenja u prvim decenijama XX veka govore o angažovanoj pedagogici u Srbiji. Pedagogika "nove škole" nesporno je uticala na vaspitanje tadašnje srpke mladeži da izdrži ratove, bune, siromaštvo i svekolike nevolje. Istraživanje pokazuje da su se evropeizirani uticaji na srpsku pedagogiku primali, ali je moralni razvoj mladih u tom dobu projektovan s ciljem da se u nove koncepte ugrade (ili sačuvaju) srpski borbeni moral, običaji, tradicija i pravoslavlje.
Ključne reči:  moral, moralnost, moralno vaspitanje, herbatizam, pestelocijanstvo.

The end of the XXth century and the newly accomplished from the very beginning of the centuary, have already initiated a scientific turn both in pedagogy and other humanities and have encouraged, in the period still loaded by the accustomed socialistic pedagogy thougths, a scientific creative effort in analyzing at least a few aspects of the development of Serbian pedagogy from 1900-1941, having been conceived only as ideas, were considered neither actual, useful nor inspirational ones for the pedagogy theory and practice appropriate to the XXth century school needs.
This paper tries to offer a scientific systematization of padagogy concepts in Serbia during bourgeois period which were introduced into its institutions of education through the Serbian pedagogies educated abroad (in Germany, at the first place), and it includes only the aspects of ethical education. Undoubtly, moral and moral education were worth being centres of scientific interests and numerous pedagogic proveniences during the Serbian struggle for the national state and national existence. Moral education and moral upbringig during so-called "customs war", the fall of the Obrenovics' dynasy, the annexation crisis, the Balkans wars, the first world war, greatly permeated the whole creative work in the field of pedagogy of the time. The numerous pedagogy works from the first decades of the XXth centuary bear witness to existence of contenporary pedagogy, in Serbia. "The New school" pedagogy had certainly influenced the education of the Serbian youngsters of that time to endure wars, rebellions, poorness and various hardships. The research points out at the European influences upon the Serbian pedagogy, but it also brings out the tendency of incorporation some values such as Serbian combat morale, customs, tradition and Orthodoxy into these new concepts, while projecting the moral development of the young at that time.
Key words:  morals, morality, the ethikal education, the Pestalozzian approach, Herbartism.