TM G. XX Br. 3-4  Str. 327 - 337 Niš jul - decembar 1997.
UDK 316.4
Originalni naučni rad
Petar Hafner
Ekonomski fakultet, Niš
U sociološkom smislu društvena promena je novo društveno stanje koje obeležava izmena socijalne strukture, međuljudskih odnosa, društvenih odnosa, sistema društvenih vrednosti i obrazaca razvoja kulture. Kao predmet naučnog istraživanja, s tim u vezi, postavlja se i pitanje merenja, planiranja i kontrole društvenih promena. Društvena kriza je poseban oblik realizacije društvene promene u uslovima maksimalnog zaoštravanja društvenih protivurečnosti, kada se stare društvene strukture nikako ne mogu adaptirati novim zahtevima društvenog razvoja. Društvenu krizu karakterišu odnosi neusklađenosti, stagnacije, protivurečnosti u različitim socijalnim sferama. Otuda ona postaje dublja što je manja prilagođivost bitnih elemenata društvene strukture savremenim zahtevima socijalno-ekonomskog razvoja.
Ključne reči: društvena promena, socijalna struktura, društveni odnosi, društvena kriza, socijalna sfera

From the sociological point of view, social change is a new social condition marked by changes in the social structure, interpersonal and social relations, as well as in the system of social values and patterns of the development of culture. In this connection, a question of measuring, planning and control of social changes arises, among others, as a subject of scientific research. Social crisis is a specific form of realization of a certain social change in a situation when the old social structures cannot possibly adapt to the new demands of the social evolution. Social crisis is marked by the lack of coordination, by stagnation and contradictions in different social spheres. Hence, a crises grows deeper with a decrease of the ability of significant elements of the social structure to adapt to the current demands of the given socio-economic evolution.
Key words: social change, social structure, social relations, social crisis, social sphere