XXII Br. 3-4 Str. 201 - 218 Niš jul - decembar
UDK 321.7:001(497.11)
Originalni naučni rad
Krstan Malešević
Kao što je dobro poznato,
istočnoevropska društva i države su u poslednjoj deceniji zahvaćeni pravim
tektonskim promenama. Otuda su kriza i (demokratska) tranzicija ključne
odrednice i političkog i naučnog diskursa u njima. Protivreč ove tranzicije
pretstavljaju pravi društveni eksperiment in vivo,
a time i novi veliki izazov za društvene i humanističke nauke, pa i za
preispitivanje nekih njihovih paradigmi. Moguće je da se to ponajviše odnosi
na fatum demokratije, budući da ona nema civilizovane alternative za organizaciju
i funkcionisanje modernih društava i da pretstavlja prvi i nezaobilazni
uslov temeljne i celovite transformacije društva. Kako je demokratija,
međutim, inače "bremenita neizvesnostima" (Held), to je logično
da se upravo na ovom pitanju "testiraju" teorijski, metodološki i empirijski
potencijali nauke. Naravno da se to podjeknako odnosi i na naše društvo,
i to kako na njegov stratifikacioni sastav i institucionalni poredak, tako
i na ukupnu "duhovnu situaciju vremena". Celovitijim
promišljanjem fenomena demokratije, i posebno kompleksnijim istraživanjem
složenih pretpostavki, izraženih protivrečja i potencijalnih subjekata
demokratske tranzicije, nauka može i treba da odgovori na izazove modernizacije
"danas i ovde". Sastavni deo tih napora
treba da pretstavlja i pomoć u traganju za novim sadržajima ličnog, grupnog
i kolektivnog identiteta.
Ključne reči:
demokratija, demokratska tranzicija, društvena modernizacija, Srbija
As it is widely known, East-European societies and countries have been
affected by serious tectonic changes during the last decade. Hence, the
major guidelines of their political and scientific discourse are crisis
and (democratic) transition. A counterpoint of this transition is a real
social experiment in vivo, which is a new and intense challenge
for both social and humanistic sciences, even for a reexamination of some
of their paradigms. It is possible that this applies particularly to the
of democracy, being that there is no civilized alternative for the organization
and functioning of modern societies; it represents the first and the unavoidable
condition for a fundamental and complete transformation of any society.
Being that democracy itself bears "a burden of suspense" (Held), it seems
quite logical that this issue is exactly the one on which theoretical,
methodological and empirical potentials of science are "tested". This,
most certainly, equally applies to our society, more specifically to its
stratificational composition and institutional system, as well as to the
entire "contemporary spiritual situation". By a more thorough consideration
of the phenomenon of democracy, particularly a more complex study of its
composite presumptions, pronounced contradictions and potential subjects
of democratic transition, science could and should answer the challenges
of modernization which concerns "the here and the now". Such efforts should
also provide help in the search for the new contents of the personal, group
and collective identity.
Key words: democracy, democratic transition, social modernisation,