Milica Resanovic

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This paper is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between social stratification and musical taste in present-day Serbia. Following a discussion about Bourdieu’s conceptualization of taste and contemporary theoretical approaches that rehabilitate Bourdieusian heritage, the presence of homology between social positions and musical tastes is tested in Serbian society. On the basis of collected qualitative material via interview, the author examines whether music serves as a symbolic mean that is used by the interviewees to place themselves in certain social groups by drawing symbolic boundaries between them and other social groups that are associated with other musical tastes. The analysis showed that there are differences in musical tastes among respondents based on their position on the stratification scale, manifested in choices and ways of listening to music, as well as that mechanisms of classification are hidden in speech about musical tastes.


musical taste, symbolic boundaries, distinctions, cultural practices, social inequality

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