Nataša Nagorni Petrov

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The paper analyses the curricula of the school subject Harmony (The Science of Harmony) throughout the period of twelve decades (1899‒2020), i.e. since the foundation of the first music school in Serbia up to the present day. The necessary and frequently unavoidable changes of these curricula have passed through five stages, or five steps in the development of the educational system and the concept of the school subject Harmony taught in secondary music schools. The examination of the dynamics and range of changes applied in order to define the goals, content, structure and character of the school subject Harmony is based on the analysis and classification of the available resources and data. The aim of this research is twofold: to examine the level and type of changes occurring in the Harmony curricula and to analyze and interpret the impact of the study of Harmony on personality and character of musicians of multiple career profiles. Music school students are thus allowed to devise their own career path and apply the acquired knowledge in practice when either playing an instrument, or singing, playing in an orchestra, analyzing music literature or simply exhibiting their creativity and potentials in various ways.


school curricula, Harmony, secondary education, changes

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