Жељко Никач, Радован Радовановић, Војкан Зорић

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The private security sector in the former Yugoslavia has shared the fate of the earlier common state starting from inception, through the transformation and to the cessation of existence. After the secession of some Yugoslav republics private security, as well as other areas, were under the jurisdiction of the newly created state. In the Republic of Serbia in 1993 a regulation on the termination of the earlier norms in the field of protection of property, persons and businesses was adopted, after which this area was not legally regulated for two decades. In late 2013, they adopted the Law on Private Security and on the detective business, and then successively some of the by-laws for their application. So the first time after so long, the private security sector had regulated stem regulations, while the actspredict programs and ways of implementation of the training, the training of personnel and the necessary conditions for work. The special significance of this standard is found in the process of application of the Republic of Serbia to join the EU and the harmonization of standards with the EU regulations.


security, private security, legislation, education, RS and the EU.

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