TM G. XX Br. 1-2 Str. 59 - 77 Niš januar - jun 1997.
UDK 281.961 (497)
Prethodno saopštenje
Miloš Nemanjić
Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
S posebnim osvrtom na Srpsku pravoslavnu crkvu
Kao što neki autori ističu, pitanje nacionalnih pravoslavnih crkava na Balkanu i njihovog opstanka u nadmetanju dva velika crkveno-politička središta, Carigrada i Rima, za moć u hrišćanskom svetu, još uvek nije dovoljno osvetljeno sa kulturno-istorijskog stanovišta. Danas je to pitanje, u svetlu nadmetanja novih kulturnopolitičkih središta, ponovo vrlo aktuelno. Ako su neke Balkanske države, najizrazitije baš Srbija, pred kraj ovog veka ugrožene u svom geopolitičkom, kulturnom i crkvenom smislu, stešnjene između Istoka i Zapada, za nauku je izazovno i pitanje položaja i uloge nacionalnih crkava u ovom periodu njihove istorije. Ovaj rad bi, u okviru koncepcije koja poseban značaj pridaje kulturnim činiocima, imao za cilj da pitanje nacionalnih pravoslavnih crkava na Balkanu razmotri i s obzirom na istorijske procese koji su doveli do stvaranja posebnih, pomesnih crkava i s obzirom na savremene kulturne i socijalne uslove u kojima ove crkve vrše svoju zemaljsku misiju. Među elementima koji su doveli do diferenciranja Pravoslavne crkve, ističu istoričari crkve, nacionalni je bio najsnažniji u izgra-đivanju posebnog kulturnog i državnog identiteta onih naroda koji su bili pod okriljem velih carstava. Između Crkve i države je u tom smislu tokom celokupnog razvoja pravoslavlja na Balkanu ostao vrlo blizak odnos. U promenjenim socijalno-političkim i kulturnim uslovima, i ovaj odnos se menja, ali potreba nalaženja sklada između Crkve i države upravo je danas vrlo aktuelna, dobijajući novu istorijsku dimenziju, kao što je potreba za usklađenošću odnosa između posebih crkava koliko kulturna toliko i državno politička.
Ključne reči: Balkan, nacionalne crkve, Srpska pravoslavna crkva, kulturno-politička središta, saradnja crkava

According to some authors' opinion, the issue of the national Orthodox Chris-tian churshes and of their survival within the struggle of two great ecclesiastic and political centres, Constantinopole and Rome for the domination in Christian world has not been clarified enough as yet from the cultural and historic point of view. Nowa-days this issue is very actual again, in the light of the competition of new cultural and political centres. Some Balkan states, most conspicuously Serbia itself, may seem to be threatened in the geopolitical, cultural and ecclesiastical sense, in a delicate position between the East and the West. The science is facing the challenge to deal with the issue of the position and the role of the national churches in the present period of their history. The aim of this work is to consider the question of the national Orthodox Churches within the farmework which puts the stress on the cultural factors. Some work would deal with the historical processes which led to the formation of the sepa-rate, local churches and with the contemporary social conditions within which these churches perfom their this-worldly mission. As historians of the Church point out, the most prominent factor, among those elements which brought about the differentiation of the Orthodox Church was the national one. This factor also led to the construction of the specific cultural and state identity among the nations under the aegis of the great empires. The relation between the state and the church in the Balkans remained tight all along the process of the Orthodox faith development. This relation has been changing within the altered social, political and cultural conditions. However, the need to find a concord between the church and the state is very actual today. It acquires new historic dimensions, such as the cultural, state and political needs for the accordance in the relation between the local churches.