TM G. XX Br. 1-2 Str. 145 - 161 Niš januar - jun 1997.
UDK 2:314
Prethodno saopštenje
Jasmina Vujović-Brdarević
Institut društvenih nauka, Beograd
U empirijskim istraživanjima koja su realizovana sredinom 70-tih, dakle u vreme kada se komunizam približavao svom razvojnom vrhuncu, pokazalo se da ateizam predstavlja trend koji preovlađuje, a da se religioznost može smatrati samo sporadičnom i u socijalnom pogledu sasvim marginalnom pojavom (na nivou bivše SFRJ empirijski je tada utvrđeno manje od 10% verujućih). Međutim, desetak godina kasnije, demoskopskim podacima je potvrđeno da religija postaje pojava koja dobija na "ubrzanju": sredinom 80-tih, znači u vreme kada je kriza komunističkog sistema već bila evidentna, na nivou bivše SFRJ registrovano je 48% religioznih građana, dok je krajem 80-tih, dakle onda kada je partijski monizam bio na izdisaju, a raspad bivše jugoslovenske zajednice postao sasvim izgledan, nivo religioznosti iznosio je 46 p.p. S obzirom da se ovakav nivo religioznosti zadržao do danas (sa sasvim malim odstupanjima koja bitnije ne utiču na suštinu stvari), (p)ostalo je jasno da je religija na ovim prostorima od nekada potisnute, efemerne i praktično "nevidljive" socijalne pojave, prerasla u pojavu koja ima značajno mesto, a samim tim i značajan uticaj u društvu. Imajući to u vidu i, s druge strane, prihvatajući (teorijski i empirijski dokazanu) činjenicu da religija može biti veoma značajan faktor društvene i političke kohezije ali da, isto tako, veoma mnogo može uticati na procese društvene dezintegracije (što drugim rečima znači: može podsticati demokratizaciju, pluralizam, univerzalizam, toleranciju ali, s druge strane, može usloviti strukturalne podele, konflikte, autoritarizam, retrogradne orijentacije) u ovom radu bavićemo se ispitivanjem uloge religije u od 90-tih naovamo započetim procesima demokratske društvene transformacije.
Ključne reči: religioznost, civilna religija, (dez)integracija, socijalna kohezija

The empirical research undertaken in the mid-70's, the time when communism was approaching its climax, showed that atheism was a prevailing trend, while religiosity was to be considered, with every reason, a sporadic phenomenon and a socially insignificant one (in former SFRY in fact less than 10% of citizens have bee registered as religious). However, some ten years later, it turned out that religiosity was "gaining momentum": the research project conducted in the mid-80's, the time when the crisis of communism was obvious, as many as 48% of citizens declared themselves religious (at the level of former SFRY), whereas in the late 80's (i.e. when party monism was dying out, and the imminent break-up of SFRY become obvious) the 46% p.p of the people were religious. Since this percentage of believers, with minor deviations that have no significant effect on the state of affairs, has been retained to date, it has become clear and empirically evident that from a once suppressed, ephemeral and actually "invisible" social phenomenon religion has become an important and socially very influential one. Bearing this in mind and, on the other hand, proceeding from the fact (theoretical and practically proven) that religion can constitute a very important factor in social/political cohesion, but can also be a very dominant determinant of social disintegration (namely, in other words, that it can promote democratization, pluralism, universalism, tolerance through it can also cause social disintegration, conflicts, retrograde orientations, authoritarianism), this paper will examine the place and role of religion and religiosity in the processes (initiated in early 90's) of social (economic, political, cultural, value) system restructuring on a democratic basis. We are of the opinion that integrative, cohesive properties of religion should be stimulated (consciously) precisely as to mitigate as much as possible or eliminate altogether negative, disintegrational, anachroniic and retrograde properties of religion. Accordingly, in this paper we will try and determinate whether there are conditions for the promotion of civil religion in Serbia and FR Yugoslavia, which, judging at least by American experience, has a potent, cohesive effect even in a markedly pluriconfessional and multinational environment.