TM  G. XXII  Br. 1-2  Str. 7 - 20  Niš  januar - jun  1998.
UDK 339.13.012/.053.1(497)
Prethodno saopštenje

Ljubica Kostovska
Ekonomski fakultet, Skoplje, Makedonija
Balkan i procesi transformacija se znatno razlikuju od onih u Centralnoj Europi. Problemi su dublji i teži što je dovelo do značajnije dezindustrijalizacije i, bar privremeno, do većeg stepena zatvorenosti ovih zemalja nego ranije. Izvoz balkanskih zemalja nije uspeo dovoljno da se okrene Evropskoj Uniji. Veliki su problemi razvoja i uključivanja balkanskih zemalja u svetsko tržište. Pri tome poseban nedostatak pretstavlja insuficijentna ili nesposobna institucionalna infrastruktura neophodna jednoj tržišnoj ekonomiji. Uprkos tome male privrede balkanskih zemalja moraju graditi otvoreno-izvozno orijentisanu privredu. Put ka svetskom tržištu svakako vodi preko regionalnih tržišta i postupnom građenju privrede sposobne za uključivanje u razvijene svetske integracije, pre svega Evropske Unije, što znači naglašen rast liberalizacije investicija, usluga i tehnološke kooperacije, kao i postupna harmonizacija nacionalnih politika sa naglaskom na trgovinu u investicije.
Ključne reči: Balkan, tranzicija, tržište, kooperacija, liberalizacija

The transformation processes taking place in the Balkans are considerably different than those taking place in the Central Europe. The problems are deeper and harder which has led to a considerable deindustrialization and, at least temporarily, to a higher level of introversion of these countries than before. The export of the Balkan countries failed to orient adequately toward the European Union. The problems of development and integration of the Balkan countries into the world market are great. A particular deficiency lies in their insufficient or inefficient institutional infrastructure which is essential for any market economy. In spite of all that, the small economies of the Balkan countries must develop an open-export-oriented economy. The road leading to the world market must inescapably originate in regional markets and must take a course of a gradual development of an economy capable of incorporating itself into the developed world integration, primarily that of the European Union, which essentially means an emphasized increase of liberalization of investments, services and technological co-operation, as well as a gradual harmonization of national policies with an emphasis on trade in investments.
Key words: the Balkans, transition, market, co-operation, liberalization