TMG.  XXII  Br. 3-4  Str. 299 - 318  Niš  jul - decembar  1998.
UDK 65.012.38/.61:331.105.24
Originalni naučni rad

Srboljub Ivanović
Ekonomsko-trgovinska škola, Vranje
U razmatranju odnosa stila rukovođenja i zadovoljstva radnika na poslu u kompaniji Simpo Vranje pošlo se sa ciljem da se otkrije kakav se stil rukovođenja neguje u ovoj relativno uspešnoj kompaniji, koliko on motivirajuće deluje na učesnike u procesu rada. U tom cilju sprovedeno je istraživanje u fabrici nameštaja, preciznije u jednom njenom delu koji se zove 15-ta radna jedinica. Istraživanje je pokazalo da rukovođenje u Simpu, u osnovi, nosi obeležja autoritarnog stila. Autoritarni elementi stila rukovođenja kao što su, stroga hijerarhija, koncentracija moći u rukama upravljačke elite, krutost, inertnost i druge, produkuju, naročito na nižim nivoima, određene posledice koje pasiviziraju, demotivišu učesnike u procesu rada. Upravo te dimenzije stila rukovođenja u Simpu možemo označiti ključnim razlogom umanjene efikasnosti na nivou izvršavanja radnih zadataka. istraživanje je takođe pokazalo da se efektivnost takvog stila rukovođenja bazira na strogoj radnoj disciplini i zavidnom nivou materijalne stimulacije, s jedne, ali i na nepovoljnim kretanjima u okruženju izazvanim ukupnom društvenom krizom, s druge strane.
Ključne reči: industrija, rukovođenje, autoritarnost, radna disciplina, društvena kriza.

The purpose of a research dealing with the relation between the managing style and employees' contentment in the company Simpo Vranje was, firstly, to identify the managing style fostered in this relatively successful company and, secondly, to determine its motivational effects on the participants of the production procedure. In pursuit of this objective, a research was carried out in this furniture factory or, to be more precise, in its part usually referred to as the 15th work unit. The research has revealed that the management in Simpo is essentially based on the so-called authoritarian style. The elements of the authoritarian management, such as strict hierarchy, concentration of power in the hands of the managing elite, rigidity, inertia and the like, produce, particularly on lower levels, certain consequences resulting in passivity and unmotivation of the participants in the working process. These dimensions of the managing style in Simpo can be denoted as a key reason of decreased efficiency on the level of discharge of duties. The research has also revealed that effectiveness of this particular managing style is based on the strict working discipline and a considerable level of financial stimulation, on the one hand, as well as on unfavorable trends in the environment itself caused by the overall social crisis, on the other.
Key words: industry, management, authoritarianism, working discipline, social crisis