Suzana Marković Krstić, Lela Milošević Radulović

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Based on the tenets of the theory of cultural capital (P. Bourdieu) and the results of studies on the social dimension of education, the paper analyzes the connection between the social origin and educational orientation of the student population of the University of Niš. It also focuses on family socio-economic status and cultural-educational status as socially differentiated factors of educational orientation (choice of program of study).

The paper presents the results of the study carried out from April until June 2019. The sample included 374 students from 13 faculties of the University of Niš. A comparative analysis of the social origin of the students (operationalized through the educational and socio-professional status of their parents and the financial status of their families) represented the starting point for the study of the social determination of their educational orientation. The findings indicate that children of agricultural workers and farm laborers more often choose the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Pedagogy and Faculty of Economics, while children of business professionals and professionals with a non-business background more often choose the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Law, compared to the students with origins from other socio-professional groups. Since the research has confirmed the existence of social differentiation in educational orientation, it is necessary to design and realize adequate educational policy measures to overcome social inequality in education.     


social origin, educational capital, students, university education, social inequality in education.

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