Branka Jablan, Marta Sjeničić

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Results of numerous studies emphasize insufficient system efficacy in the realization of reproductive rights of women with disabilities. These women usually claim that the services related to this area are often unreachable and inaccessible, that they lack the information on reproductive health in the necessary form, that they encounter stereotypes and prejudices related to their sexuality and their realization in the role of a partner in a relationship and marriage. Visually impaired women are especially sensitive to this topic. Therefore, it often happens that they ignore certain health problems, contact the gynecologist too late, which can lead to late diagnosis. One of the impressions is also that the level of their knowledge about reproductive health increases with the number of their interactions and informal education through mass media.

The aim of this paper is to depict the existing international and national normative frame which regulates the reproductive health of women with disabilities and to emphasize the problems related to the reproductive health of visually impaired women. It will also provide recommendations for amendments of the national normative frame.


reproductive health, women with disabilities, visually impaired women

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