Milenko Bodin

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This paper is concerned with the phenomenon of knowledge and its institutionalization in the context of society and state. The analysis deals with two paradigms of knowledge, known in history of philosophy as the ancient and the modern one. On this basis, the institutionalization of knowledge is questioned as an inherent part of the conceptualization of knowledge, but at the same time, as the problem of alienation of the concept from the human frame of understanding it. Consequently, the reflection of the need for a new approach to the problem emerged and it is actually formulated in this work as the Humanological Management approach. This philosophical frame enables the Management of the (institutionalization of) knowledge on the socio-humanistic basis. In this context, the concept of knowledge as the most important human resource becomes theoretical, as well as practical framework of the Science for humans.


Knowledge, Philosophy, Management, Institutionalization, Humanology

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