Jelena Petrović, Vladimir Momčilović, Vladan Pelemiš

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In Serbia’s elementary schools, physical education is an obligatory course from the very beginning of education. This is why schools and academic staff can use their authority and behaviour to promote a healthy lifestyle among children. Parents, who are the models of good behaviour, opinions, and attitudes, likewise participate in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among children. Thus, so as to ensure that the process of building healthy habits and an active lifestyles is as successful as possible, it is important to bear in mind the interests and preferences of both groups, as well as their gender differences. The research sample included 8002 schoolchildren in their fifth year of education, and 5768 parents. The independent variables were gender and participation in sport, and the dependent variables were 27 sport activities. The data was processed using non-parametric statistics, χ² and crosstabs. The results show that soccer, basketball, swimming and volleyball are the sports which schoolchildren most like to participate in, and which parents prefer for their children. In terms of the choice of sport, significant differences were determined between the boys and the girls, as well as between the mothers and the fathers.


interests, physical education, preferences, pupils, sex

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