Ivan Đekić, Lidija Madžar, Miloš Krstić

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The intensity of competition figures as an important factor in increasing economic activity. The intensification of market competition is one of the key goals of economic policy in post-socialist countries. The aim of this paper is to determine the contribution of the intensity of competition to the level of economic activity in these countries. In this article, a panel analysis is carried out on a sample of 22 post-socialist countries for the period between 2006 and 2019. The indicator of the intensity of local competition from the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum is taken as a measure of the intensity of competition. The results of the conducted research indicate that the increase in the intensity of competition has a positive effect on economic activity, expressed by the level of gross domestic product (GDP) in the selected post-socialist countries.


gross domestic product (GDP), economic activity, intensity of competition, post-socialist countries, panel data

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