Daniela Tamaš, Ivana Matić Grdinić, Slađana Bojić

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The development and education of children with autism are influenced by numerous factors, and all participants in the educational process are of great importance. The attitudes and beliefs of peers towards children with autism have an impact on the success of inclusive education, specifically on achieving the maximum potential of the child with autism involved in that process. In line with this, this research aimed to determine the attitudes and behavioral intentions of typically developing children towards children with autism, and to determine which variables influence the acceptance of children with autism by their peers. The Shared Activities Questionnaire (SAQ, Morgan, Walker, Bieberich, Bell, 1996) was used in the research. The study included 206 students of both genders, attending primary schools in grades five to eight. The results of the research indicate the existence of a slightly positive attitude of typically developing children toward children with autism. Other results indicate more positive attitudes within the Academic domain, and more positive attitudes among girls, as well as among students who had no prior experience with children with autism. Based on the results, it can be concluded that there is still a need to implement educational and preventive programs aimed at destigmatising children with autism and promoting their acceptance, both in the school environment and other social contexts.


autism, inclusive education, attitude, peers, behavioral intentions.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME231002049T


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