Небојша Ранђеловић, Звездан Савић

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School sport and physical education are mutually linked through numerous and complex ties and complement one another in the realization of a common goal – the preservation and improvement of health through a harmonious development of the personality with the help of physical activity and exercise. Physical education enables students to acquire a physical education and to form positive attitudes towards physical activity and sport, while taking part in school sport enables them to improve their motor skills through competing at different levels, and can represent a transition towards a more active involvement in sport via sports clubs and by taking part in official sports. However, official sport has in some of its manifestations obtained a completed different form. The principles of humanity have today been marginalized within it. This is reflected in sports education as a part of school sport and leads the sport education process to irreconcilable antagonism (oppositions) which is a consequence of fanatic, political and commercialized sport.

School sport or sports in schools are terms which are quite often used synonymously, and are meant to reflect the same concept. At first glance they may seem to be interchangeable, since they both contain the word school. However, they are two different terminological determinants, two closely related yet different concepts. In this paper we will, among other things, indicate the difference between these two concepts in terms of their respective senses, and the possible implications of them being used interchangeably.


physical education, school sport, education, humanization, importance.

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