Александра Јанић

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The subject of this paper are the lexicalized noun diminutives with the Serbian derivational suffix -ica from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, regarding associations Serbian native speakers (students of the Serbian language and literature) had to them. Our aim is to determine which of the lexemes given in the questionnaire as stimuli and first associations provided by the participants are mainly connected with a lexicalized meaning (e.g. babica, školice), and not with the diminutive one (e.g. bubica, pahuljice). The results of the analysis of the noun diminutives with at least one lexicalized meaning are analyzed regarding their form (singular/plural), usage, and the degree of the lexicalization (complete or partial lexicalization). The conlusions are useful for the clearer perception of the lexicalized diminutives, the lexicographical point of view, and for the distribution of meaning as well.


noun diminutives, derivational suffix -ica, lexicalization, association, Serbian language.

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